Construction Jetty, Product Loading Jetty & Cooling Water Intake For Marine Terminal
Client: Essar Projects Ltd.
Location: Vadinar
ESSAR OIL commissioned HOWE for providing Detailed Engineering & Procurement Services, Construction Management & Commissioning Supervision Assistance for their Construction Jetty, Product Loading Berths, Sea Water Intake and Return Pipeline System for their Refinery project
HOWE’s scope includes the following:
Civil Works
- A 337 m long Product – loading Jetty resting on piled construction consisting of a Central Platform measuring 37.2 m x 29.5 m and two Breasting Dolphins, 11 m x 11 m each, one on either side and two Mooring Dolphins each of 11 m x 11 m, one on either side of the Breasting Dolphins to Berth 2 Nos. 25000 DWT vessels in the first stage and for berthing 100,000 DWT vessels at a later stage
- Approach to Jetty consisting of 900 m long Rubble Bund from shore and 225 m long piled Approach to Jetty head
- Dredging at berth to -15.0 m CD in the first phase for 25000 DWT vessels to be deepened to -17.0 m CD for the second phase for handling 100,000 DWT. (1,30,000 Displacement Tonnage)
- A Construction Jetty of the RO-RO and LO-LO Type, measuring 160 m long, resting on piles located approximately 1 km from the Product Loading Jetty, dredged upto -2.5 m CD.
- A caisson type of Intake well of sheet piles located in dredged depth of -7.0 m CD, 475 m away from the shore connected by means of a piled approach to pump 11000 cu.m./hour of sea water to the Petrochemical Complex for plant cooling purposes.
- Electrical Sub-station Buildings, Control Rooms, Paving, External Works and Surface Dressing.
Mechanical Works
- 7 – Loading Arms, three to be provided in the First Stage and the remaining in future
- Product handling capacity 2000 cum/hour. The petroleum products handled for exports are Naphtha, ATF, Kerosene, Gasolene 87, Gasolene 95, Diesel and Fuel Oil
- Multi-product pipeline 4.6 kms long and Dedicated Product Line 3 kms long
- Dedicated Metering system upstream of the Loading Arms and upstream of Metering.
- Pig Receiving Facility for Product Batching and Pipeline Cleaning.
- A Seawater intake well with a capacity 20000 cu.m. per hour.
Electrical Works
- Power Supply, Distribution & Controls Comprising
- Power & Distribution Transformers 33/6.6 kV 12 MVA… 2 Nos.
- 6.6/0.433 kV… 630 kVA… 4 Nos.
- HT Switchgear panels… 5 Nos.
- Sub-Stations… 5 Nos.
- PLC-based Electrical Control System (ECS) comprising Mosaic Mimic, I/O Racks, Data Communications, Control Desk etc.
- Instrumentation – including:
- Automation of Pig Receiving & Launching Station at Marine Terminal as well as Refinery
- Marine Loading Arms including Automation
- Systems at Marine Terminal Control Building (MTCB):
- Distributed Control System (DCS)
- Safeguarding and Emergency Shut-down System (ESD)
- Fire Detection, Alarm and Fire-fighting System (FFS)
- Supervisory DCS system
- Consoles & Panels
- Custody Transfer Metering and Meter Proving System
- Communications
- Lighting
- High Mast… 10 Nos.
- Street Lights… 9 Nos.
- Internal Lighting
- Cabling.