Container Terminal
Client: Visakha Container Terminal Pvt Ltd
Location: Visakhapatnam Outer Harbour
HOWE was the consultant for:
- Preparation of the Master Plan for Phase-1 & Phase-2
- Design and Detailed engineering services for Phase-1
- Project management and Technical Services during the Construction Period of Phase-1
The Terminal was designed to handle up to 3 million TEU’s in the final Phase. The berths, with a depth of 16 meters, will accommodate the largest container vessels afloat. The two container cranes in Phase – 1 have a reach of 23 boxes across.
The project also included:
- The Container yard and necessary interfaces for installing RTGC’s and other Yard Equipment.
- Railway siding and necessary interfaces for installing and operating RMGC’s
- Infrastructure: Buildings (administration building, work shop, stores), Water supply, fire-fighting, Power distribution and control, in-door and out-door lighting, communication, internal roads, parking areas, gate complex, weigh scale, compound wall, etc.
- The operational philosophy & computer system for IT facility.